Edit an Event

Edit an Event

After an event has been created in 25Live, it may need to be updated. Updates may include the date, time, location, etc.  This can be done by editing the event.  A requestor may edit their own event, but there will also likely be cases where a scheduler or approver may need to edit a requestor’s event.

Locate Event to Edit

Locate the event in 25Live that requires editing. 

One way to locate an event is to navigate to the dashboard, find the element named Your Upcoming Events, and click on the event link that represents your role in the event (either Requestor or Scheduler).  This will provide you with a list of events.

Your Upcoming Events

In the list of events, click on the event name link to view the event details.

Select Event for Editing

In the event details, click on the Edit Event link.  This will open the event form and you will be able to make changes.  Depending on your permissions in 25Live, some fields may not be able to be edited.  If you need to make a change and are unable to edit a particular field, please reach out to either the location Scheduler or email uesc@appstate.edu.

Edit Event Link

Please note: if you answered any of the questions on the form that resulted in a popup alert, when you open the form to edit, you will see all of the alerts again.  Simply click the OK button on all of the alerts and continue with editing your event.