Reservable Outdoor Spaces
Reservations Managed by Plemmons Student Union
- Sanford Mall
Reservations Managed by Department of Biology
- Lauri Miller - (828) 262-3049
- Rankin-Duncan Courtyard
Reservations Managed by Department of Communications
- Leah Tucker - (828) 262-2401
- Glenn Wilcox Plaza
Reservations Managed by University Events Scheduling and Communications
- Durham Park
- Valborg Lawn
- Founders Plaza
- NPHC Plots & Garden
Outdoor Space Guidelines
Outdoor areas may be reserved by registered student organizations and university departments/offices to conduct activities that benefit the mission of the University. When outdoor spaces are not reserved, they may be used on a first-come-first-served basis.
Any university policies (such as those pertaining to tailgating) will supersede any policy outlined here.
Requests for outdoor areas should be made at least 3 days prior to an event.
Outdoor areas may be reserved only between the hours of 8:00 AM and 10:00 PM. Reservations outside of these hours may be approved on a case-by-case basis, and will require coordination with Facilities Operations and Appalachian Police.
An event featuring live music in an outdoor space cannot involve off-campus promoters.
No admission can be charged to use or occupy any outdoor areas on campus.
Vehicles are not permitted to be parked on grass areas. Vehicles may park on sidewalks only with prior arrangement with Facilities Operations.
Special care must be taken to ensure that grass, landscaping, utility fixtures, artworks, etc. are not damaged. No digging, staking, etc. is permitted on any outdoor space. Tents should be anchored with weights. Sponsoring organizations will be liable for any damage caused to University property during events.
Outdoor activities may not disturb the academic atmosphere or otherwise interfere with the educational mission of the University.
Sidewalks cannot be blocked. No outdoor activity should interfere with or otherwise impede the flow of foot traffic, motor vehicle traffic, or ingress/egress from buildings.
The Student Union offers a limited number of folding tables that may be used on Sanford Mall. Tables can be requested during the space reservation process, and can be picked up by the sponsoring organization at the Information Desk on the First Floor. Groups are responsible for taking tables outside AND for returning them back into the building. Groups who do not return a reserved table to the information desk may be charged a replacement fee. No other Student Union equipment or services are available for outdoor areas.
Groups must coordinate with Facilities Operations prior to using outdoor power sources.
Any group of individuals or organization who wishes to exercise their right to peaceably assemble does not need to seek permission from the Student Union, however groups with a reservation for a space will have precedence over any gatherings or assemblies that do not have a reservation.
Because activities in outdoor areas are by their nature highly visible to the Appalachian State University community, families (including minors), prospective students, etc., the University reserves the right to regulate outdoor activities in order to avoid violations of law or University policy or to avoid disruptions to the academic purpose and mission of the University. For example: North Carolina and federal laws prohibit harassment, including unwelcome or unsolicited speech or conduct directed at an individual or group, based on race, sex, sexual orientation, creed, religion, national origin, age, color, or disability that creates a hostile environment.
Outdoor Sound Policies
Events occurring in outdoor areas are subject to all applicable University policies as well as town/county ordinances. Additionally:
Any event which will feature live music, powered loudspeakers, megaphones, collective singing/chanting, or may otherwise be loud enough to be heard in adjacent buildings must get approval by completing the Event Form in 25Live.
The Student Union, Appalachian Police, and/or surrounding departments reserve the right to request that an event’s volume be lessened or to terminate an event if it interferes with the academic purpose and mission of the University, or if it violates local noise ordinances.
For events on Sanford Mall, the Rankin-Duncan Courtyard, the Valborg Lawn, and other areas adjacent to academic buildings, approval for amplified sound is limited to ONE HOUR PER DAY when class is in session.