Scheduling Space on Campus

25Live is an event and space management system created specifically for colleges and universities. 25Live is used to schedule Appalachian State University spaces. These include classrooms, conference rooms, theaters, gymnasiums, and more. 25Live is for internal constitutent scheduling (faculty, staff, and students) and uses your App State credentials and SSO to login. 

If you are a non-university group looking to schedule an event using space on campus, please contact Conference and Event Services at 828-262-7273.

Accessing 25Live

All App State faculty, staff, and students have access to view space upon login to 25Live. Permissions for requesting space are granted to App State faculty, staff, and designated students. Please see our Student Policies for more information on eligibility. 

Login to 25Live   25Live Event Form

25Live Support

Please review our Help Section before requesting support.